Welcome to RalleyTuned

Auto Repair Services

Top-Notch Auto Services

At RalleyTuned,  we go beyond fixing cars – we elevate your driving experience. Our services are designed to keep you on the road with confidence. From standard maintenance to emergency repairs, trust us to be your dealership alternative and handle your vehicle with care.

Why Choose RalleyTuned

For years RalleyTuned has been there for the people of Cle Elum. We love what we do, and that basic fact fuels our business. We are dedicated to our customers, and that’s why they stick with us—the best auto repair Cle Elum has to offer.


What sets RalleyTuned apart from all of the others in Cle Elum, WA?

Expert Transmission Services

At RalleyTuned, we specialize in transmission services. Our seasoned technicians ensure optimal performance with expert diagnostics, refinement, and customized transmission maintenance. Elevate your drive with confidence, where every shift is effortless.

Monday: Closed
Tue-Fri: 9am-6pm
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: Closed

703 E 1st Street
Cle Elum, WA 98922